This device is intended to replace human voice. It is indicated in case all other possibilities of voice replacement have failed and therefore, it is actually one of the last opportunities of communication for people who can not communicate any other way. One group of people who need it are patients after total laryngectomy. Another group is represented by patients having a vocal folds disease or pharyngopathy. Elektrolarynx helps people to get back their normal lives and communicate with other people again. Package of Elektrolarynx contains charger with automatic regulation of charging voltage, two accumulators and the Elektrolarynx Z – 01 device in a plastic case. Elektrolarynx is an electronic device using magnetodynamic resonance to create basic tone. A sonic wave goes through hypopharynx creating basic tone in pharynx of the user; this basic tone is important to create substitute voice. The device has two pre-set carrier frequencies, at 80 Hz and 90 Hz. Code of VZP CR (Czech Health Insurance Institute): 41000